
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sketching in anything available

I hope you love birds too. It is economical. It saves going to heaven.

- Emily Dickinson

The Red Bishop on my fence post...

I was cleaning up and came upon some old books, so I carried them to the patio with a cup of tea and was busy going through them to decided which ones to throw out, when the Bishop in all his glory caught my eye. The male's buzzing song alerting the female to the nest he's building for her is always the first to alert me of their return. I was so excited to see them that I grabbed one of the books, opened it and started sketching him sitting on the fence post. I then rushed to get some paints and got his colours while he was flitting around, showing off to the female. So now none of the books are being thrown out - I've found a new use for them!

He only carries these colours during the breeding season and in Winter reverts to brown similar to the female, below.


  1. that is VERY COOL. Talk about recycling! Way to think outside the box...

  2. Maree, your blog is a wealth of info - I didn't know the bishops changed colour (the page you painted him on is very appropriate!) I was watching some in a friend's garden a few days ago - SO bright!

  3. Thank you Cathy! And now that you mention it I only noticed the heading on the page! Yea, they're very drab in winter. And I read somewhere that they do migrate a bit, not far though.

  4. Hi Kelly, my comment notifier must be wonky, it never told me you were here! And yes, it is recycling, now that you mention it! Maybe we can sell them as a different type of art (lol!)


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