
Monday, November 16, 2009

Painting with Watercolour pencils

'Magalies River' in Moleskine watercolour sketch-book

I bought some Watercolour pencils yesterday morning, for the first time ever, NEVER worked in them before, but thought I'd get them seeing as they're on Kate's list of supplies for the 'Keeping an Artist's Journal' class, which starts today. I got the Derwent AQUAtone set of 12 as well as the Derwent Aquarelle set of 24 because it had some different colours.

We went to Wicker Tea Garden in Magaliesburg for lunch, so I took the small AQUAtone set with me. I did this sketch of the river bank, asked the waiter for a glass of water and voila! instant colour on the spot.

Can't say I'm mad about using watercolour pencils, feels like I'm back at school colouring in! But as far as portability and instant colour with little fuss is concerned - they just fitted into my purse - I'll certainly be using them again. But the colours seem to be fairly muddy - don't know if it's me or if it's the colours. And the colour range is also very limited - tried mixing the colours on the paper, which just made it muddier.

The Derwent sets of watercolour pencils are available in nice tins, easy for carrying around


  1. Lovely work, Maree. I love aquarelle and is always looking for a group on Fb.

  2. Thanks Marie. So do you use them often? I can't actually see the point...

  3. Dear Maree, I would like to promote their use, maybe I should do an article in one of your Fb groups! Will make time but cannot promise immediately. I lectured watercolours for many years but because the course was so extensive I never got round to teaching aquarelle pencils. They are so nice for travelling and doing "dooddles".

  4. That sounds wonderful Marie. Maybe you can post it on FB Artists' Circle I also have a Watercolour Pencils group on 'A Collective Art Journal' - you can have a look here :

  5. Keep going, Maree. The paper can really make a difference. I've had great success on Arches HP and in the Aquabee Super Deluxe Sketch book. Both papers have lots of sizing so the colors don't sink in.

  6. Thanks Pam. Blond moment - what is 'sizing'?

  7. I think this sketch is soft and lovely - I must say I agree with you about 'colouring in' - I find it hard to love my w/c pencils, but I think I might just need more practice!

    P.S...Sizing is a kind of coating they put on some papers to make them less absorbent.

  8. Thanks Cathy, but I definitely think the pencils are wonderful for their portability.

    And thanks for the explanation on the sizing - how will one know when paper has been "sized"?

  9. Watercolour Paper is mostly sized. That is why one must work gently with the brush. Overpainting can disturb the surface and create a muddy look. I will go to your groups soon, will find my work and photograph it first.

  10. I am just exploring various websites for art and artists. Not very good at this yet. I thought your sketch was lovely, did not look muddy to me. It made me feel as if I was sitting on the bank enjoying nature.I read everone's comments with interest and have learnt a lot. Thank you.

  11. Thanks for that explanation Marie! Great info!

  12. Thanks a lot Anonymous! Hope you find out how to comment with your own profile! lol


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