
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sketching in soft-cover books

Blue gum tree in soft-cover book

I'm feeling a bit distracted these days - I get like that when I've got a lot on my plate - besides sketching daily, doing larger paintings once or twice a week and my Private Daily Journal - I've also started an on-line art class with Cathy (Kate) Johnson on "Keeping an Artists' Journal" and I'm also participating in a sketch-book exchange between South Africa and Australia, which you can read about on Artists' Circle.

To centre my thoughts and ground my energy a bit, I took and old soft-cover book with me to record little sketches of grasses, weeds and indigenous flowers on our property. Before I started on the grasses, I couldn't resist doing a quick sketch of this Blue gum tree - I'll use the sketches that I do in these soft-covers as reference for larger paintings at a later stage.


  1. One thing about being computerless for 3 days is that I get to go back on posts. I really enjoyed my trip back through yours Maree - you capture the moments in nature so beautifully.

  2. thank you Liz. I thought I was going to be connection-less, my WiMax been hit by lightning and Vodacom's 3G signal disappeared when I started using my Vodaphone modem, but as you say, lots of nice things to catch up on then!


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