
Monday, November 9, 2009

A lazy art Sunday

My art table yesterday

A lazy Sunday - spent the whole day sketching and journaling yesterday - what bliss! - also scanning previous sketches that I hadn't had time to do yet and filing them on my MAC.

My Feint 6-Quire Daily Journal. I mostly use it as my daily thoughts journal, but also do some accompanying sketches. This is yesterday's post.

The above journal entry reads :

"Sunday - 8th November
The Red Bishop is back, dear Journal, and covered in all his breeding finery! On Friday I thought I caught a glimpse of him, but wasn't sure.

"Red Bishop" - 'Euplectus orix nigrifrons Linnaeus'

He was sitting on the Tiger Grass under the Acacia Karroo eyeing the bird bath. Hoped to catch him bathing, but he decided the feeding table was a better option."

Southern Red Bishop - I edited out the writing lines of the Journal


  1. Your journals and art are just fascinating. I enjoyed touring through them and look forward to seeing you in Kate's class.

    Teri, as I am unable to comment with Google

  2. Thank you Teri! It's going to be great inter-acting with everybody and seeing all the different ideas and sketches, isn't it? Really looking forward to it. Time's getting close now...

  3. Maree, Hi there!

    I'd love to know where you got your beautiful thick journalling book? Something I really need to do as I'm one of the lazy painters and only sketch sometimes before painting an original!

  4. Hi Debbie, it can be found at stationery shops. It is called a FEINT - this one is a 6-QUIRE, they come in various quires(thicknesses), and are usually used by bookkeepers and accountants. Hope you come right!


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