
Friday, November 27, 2009

Farm gate in Magaliesburg

"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."
~ Les Brown

Farm gate in Magaliesburg - watercolour in Moleskine - Maree©

The town of Magaliesburg in Western Gauteng, has these lovely little meandering roads leading off the main road, going to the various properties and farms, some on the banks of the Magalies River. This entrance to someone's farm is not far from a little Bistro we frequent and, as we drove past, this gate caught my eye and we stopped so I could do a quick sketch. Wonder what's on the other side of the gate?



  1. I love the stones you painted and can feel that bumpy road!Behind the gate? I think they are people like us, who appreciate this great spacious country of ours!

  2. Thanks Marie. The area of Magaliesburg is very stony, some areas not so good for farming - and you're right, people like us lucky enough to have a beautiful piece of African soil!

  3. Love the feeling your painting gives, one of being away from the concrete cities and in the wide open spaces.
    thank you so much.


    1. Thanks ever so much Stretch, glad you like it! And it is beautifully open and quiet there, very inspiring!


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