
Friday, November 27, 2009

Crested Barbet

If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come.
Chinese Proverb

Crested Barbet - pen and watercolour in Agenda Planner Journal - Maree©

I heard the Crested Barbet's warbling song early this morning, so I rushed out with my sketch-book, knowing that they sit still in once place for a long time, stretching their warble for so long one thinks he's going to run out of breath!

Had plenty of time to do a quick outline sketch, filling it in with detail as he warbled on. A few quick stokes of colour and I was done!

The Crested Barbets are regular visitors to my garden and seem to know when the feed tables contain fruit - the love apple and banana and will sometimes swallow grapes whole!

I used only 4 colours on this quick exercise - Payne's Grey, Orange, Alizarin Crimson and Burn Sienna, all from Daler-Rowney. Oh, I almost forgot - and Sap Green for the leaves.


  1. Fabulous bird. We don't have barbets in the US.

    Love your blog.


  2. thanks Vicki - I think it might be related to your Cardinals.

  3. I love the crested barbets - they can be such clowns sometimes, rolling around on our compost heap where all the overripe fruit is tossed. Great capture of him Maree!

  4. Thank you Cathy! They always do look a bit scruffy, don't they?


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