
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Onion Shell

An artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it.
Paul Valery

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Onion Shell" (family Melapiidae) - pencil sketch and watercolour in 'Journal' sketchbook - Maree©

I sketched this shell in 2002, but decided to put some colour to it yesterday.

These shells are smooth on the outside, without ridging, and have a quite flattened spire. In South Africa we have Melapium lineatum and Melapium elatum - 2 really beautiful shells. The lineatum's common name is 'Onion shell' - the shape and patterns resemble an onion.


  1. I just came across your site and absolutely love it. I paint shells too and was looking up facts on the melapium elatum and came across your sketch.

    I dream of going to Africa one day!

    I love all your quotes and am inpired by your site:)

    if you want to see some of my paintings, please visit

    I am going to be doing a seashell show in the fall!


  2. Had a look at your shell paintings Tracy, absolutely stunning! I'm glad to be of inspiration and thank you for visiting my blog!

  3. Help. I 'posted' a comment and then had to select anonymous because I don't understand what 'select a profile' means.( Margie Thomson member WSSA Centurion) Sorry but I have to do 'anon' again!! I will check ou blogspot on Friday to see if anyone can please make me better informed. Thank you.Margie.


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!