
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Namaqualand Daisies

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"
~Robin Williams

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Namaqualand Daisies" watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm - Maree©

Namaqualand! 100% Big sky country. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the west of South Africa to the small town of Pofadder in the east, north from the great Orange River and south beyond Garies, Namaqualand is indeed a vast and varied region.

During the arid summer months it is difficult for the tourist to imagine the phenomenon of the yearly wild flower appearance.

After the winter rainfall, Namaqualand dons her coat of many colours and for a brief moment, the wildflowers invade the countryside. Countless poems, novels, paintings and prose have been dedicated to this annual shower of God's colour.

Before the flowers appear

At the end of winter


  1. Spectacular Maree - and this year they're going to be even better because of all the rain! So you better get down here to paint them.

  2. Thanks Liz, but the best I'm going to be able to do is paint from some photos my sister-in-law, who's there right now, is going to send me!

  3. Aren't they glorious! I've only been once to see 'the flowers', when I was a student - time to go again! Your watercolour is lovely Maree, really gives a sense of the multitude of them.

  4. Thanks Cathy. Now I really will have to make a plan to get there next year.

  5. Wow I know why you were tired of winter. Here where I live winter is still green, sometimes we get snow...but most of the time it's still green and wintering flowers bloom. Beautiful picture and painting of At the end of winter Maree...I wish I was there right now with my camera :) Wouldn't we have fun?

  6. Thanks Crista. That would be great! You could take the pictures and I could paint them...


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