
Sunday, September 6, 2009

In Memoriam - R.I.P.

I look at life as a gift of God. Now that he wants it back I have no right to complain.
---Joyce Cary

My sketch for today - in memoriam of Pappa Goose - 1991 - 2009.

"Pappa Goose" watercolour on Visual 140gsm - 05/09/09 Maree©

Pappa Goose, an Egyptian Goose, was brought to me to take care of him in 1991 - don't know how old he was - he had one gammy foot as a result of fishing gut being entangled around his leg and severing the tendons and nerves, causing his foot to pull backwards. I was lucky to have the pleasure of his presence in my life for 18 years when, finally yesterday, I had to have him euthanized because his legs were riddled with arthritis and he could hardly stand up anymore. If there is a Goose Heaven, I'm sure that's where he is now.


  1. I'm glad Pappa Goose found you to care for him while he was here. Beautiful painting and memorial...

  2. Maree, So sorry for your loss. You've created a beautiful tribute. I had the pleasure of observing a pair of Egyptian Geese when living on Hilton Head Island, SC a few years back. They were such fun. May your heart be full with memories.

  3. Thank you Kelly, I will always remember him.

  4. Thank you for your kind words Pam. Have lots of memories, some tender, like when you watch them with their goslings, and some hilarious, like the time he chased my best friend all over the plot. Will certainly miss him and Mamma Goose, but we had a great time.


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