
Friday, April 16, 2010

Tarlton Vlei

“Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colours appear.”
- wolfdyke

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Vlei in Tarlton" watercolour in Moleskine Folio 200gsm - 12" x 8" - Maree©

Still on the subject of rain, all the vleis in Tarlton and surrounding areas are full and turning the landscape into a shimmering play of colours... For the past couple of weeks we've had between 15mm and 70ml rain most days, causing trees to fall over and swollen rivers to burst their banks. It's also great seeing huge flocks of water birds enjoying this abundance so late in the season.

This area, just 3km from us, is usually quite dry, with young boys charging around on their off-road bikes.


  1. You know Maree, I look through your blog and wonder what it must be like to be surrounded by such beautiful scenery. No wonder you are always inspired! Your paintings tell a story about where you come from and the things you like. They are a pleasure to look at.

  2. Thanks for YOUR inspirational words Sandra! It touches my heart and I'm glad I can share some of what I see and experience!

  3. This is great Maree and no wonder you know your birds - the birdlife must be awesome right now. Thank you so much for correcting my horrible blunder! I think I'll have to run all my birdie pics past you for confirmation!! Bless you.

  4. Thank you Liz, and I really did not mean to embarrass you with my correction! but we've all done something similar! I once called 'n Gemsbok 'n Rooi Hartebeest!


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