
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Autumn setting in

“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.”
- William Cullen Bryant

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!
Autumn Setting in - watercolour in Moleskine Watercolour Sketchbook - 8" x 5.5" - Maree

Autumn is in full swing and the trees in my garden are slowly starting to change colour - this is actually a friend's garden on their plot here in Tarlton, South Africa, and I just had to capture her Japanese Maple in all its glorious orange splendour amongst her mostly indigenous trees. She commented that she never knew her garden was so beautiful and that she will be looking at it differently now!


  1. Absolutely beautiful Maree! It is a lovely time of year - my trees are dropping berries all over the place and the birds are loving it!

  2. Ooooo, love these colors! What a wonderful gift you've given your neighbor - true sight!

    I love your changing banners!!

  3. Thank youL iz. It's amazing hown ature supplies during the different seasons, isn't it?

  4. Thank you Pam, and you're right, I did have to give it to her, cut right out of my sketch-book!

  5. I love the colours Maree, and the shadows really bring it to life!

  6. Thank you Sandra, this is also a favourite of mine.


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