
Friday, March 19, 2010

Watercolour Workshop 2 - Wet-on-Wet

We all have time to paint. We have time to paint the minute we are willing to paint badly, to chase a dead end, to scribble a few words, to paint for the hell of it instead of for the perfect and polished result.
- Julia Cameron

Art class wet-on-wet 17/03/2010 on Bockingford 300gsm - Maree

This past Wednesday was my second watercolour workshop with Angela Eidelman, Honorary Chairman of the W.S.S.A. (Watercolour Society of South Africa), and this week we covered wet-in-wet, that loose, elusive style that so many artists strive for.

A new concept of painting for me - having to keep in mind good composition, focal point, light source, tonal value, and where the most detail or the least detail is. I usually just go with my gut feeling of what feels or looks good to my (untrained!) eye. So for the next two weeks it's the three big P's - practice, practice and practice!


  1. It does look loose, colorful and wonderful! Sounds like a fun class.

  2. Maree, you're progressing in leaps and bounds - this is just beautiful! I love the scale of the huge tree to the houses and the wet washy foliage, and the misty distant trees.

  3. Thanks Teri, it really is great fun.

  4. Thank you Cathy, now it's just a matter of practicing everything one learns!

  5. Lovely painting Maree....I indeed like the effect of Wet on Wet. Refreshing


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