
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crocodile River

“When the river is deepest it makes least noise.”
- Chinese Proverb

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Crocodile River, Broederstroom" - watercolour in Moleskine Portfolio 12" x 8" - Maree©

When we choose to go to Hartebeespoort Dam via Broederstroom, we cross over the Crocodile River (the same river I collected water from to sketch the gate scene in the previous post), which feeds the dam, offers white water rafting, and includes overnight options complete with riverside camping. Tubing, canoeing and cable slides into the river are also available.

I did this sketch from memory after we returned from our lunch and is the view from the bridge.


  1. Beautiful, Maree. You've a tremendous memory. Love the shading.

  2. Lovely atmosphere, Maree! It feels as if I'm there!

  3. Thank you Marie! Next time you're up here, take the Broederstroom road to Harties and you can pass the scene!


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