
Monday, February 22, 2010

The other side of Harties

"...try to forget what objects you have before you, a tree, a house, a field or whatever ... merely think here is a little square of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow, and paint it just as it looks to you, the exact color and shape..."
- Claude Monet

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"The other side of Harties" - watercolour in Moleskine watercolour sketch-book - Maree©

For me, this is "the other side of Hartebeespoort Dam" - not the usual route we always take over the dam wall, but turning off at Strawberry Farm and going into the Villa D'Afrique housing estate - the estate has got a wildness about it, away from the normal hustle and bustle of the dam, very peaceful and quiet.

I found a comfortable rock, prepared my palette and just put the colour straight on the paper, with no sketching, starting with the water - the reflections were great and high above the the Magaliesberg mountains the vultures were soaring, not in my pic, making use of the warm thermals to gain height. A perfect day for sketching!


  1. I agree, very fresh and beautiful. Also inviting, making me want to go right into your scene.

  2. Thank you PJ! The colours were very fresh that morning.

  3. Thank you Melissa! The scenery and colours at Hartebeespoort Dam can change within the hour, always some new inspiration there.

  4. Wow Maree, I've been catching up and what a joy it is going through all your posts - like a storybook! Wonderful paintings and sketches and well done on that HUGE painting - it's great!

  5. Thank you Liz! I've yet to try another HUGE one!

  6. Hi Maree, suddenly I am also IN your blogsite whereas I have always battled. Lovely spontaneous work! We all love Harties! Did you notice what I have written about you? You must claim your blog award from my previous post!

  7. Thank you Marie! No, I didn't see! Haven't been to Google Reader today - my office work has caught up with me and I'm only doing the utmost necessary things. Thank you, will go and have a look right now!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!