
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gum Forest 8

If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.
- Khalil Gibran

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Gum Forest 8" watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm - Maree© (no sketching)
Size : 5.5" x 7.5"

(This Series is for sale on my SALES BLOG)

The eighth and last sketch in the Gum Forest series where I've been experimenting with not doing any preliminary sketches before painting, just putting colour directly onto the paper and seeing what develops. This cool palette would also look lovely in a sepia frame and will display well together with No. 1 in the Gum Series.


  1. Maree,

    Liking the aqua and touches of purple in the first painting. Very colorful!

  2. Thank you Cheryl, long time no see! Thanks for popping in.


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!