JUST ME :: and a stack of blank pages

:: Living creatively ::

About me

This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realise it is play. The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment. That’s all there ever is. I’m here to tell you that the path to peace is right there, when you want to get away. When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it. If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life. That is very serious!

Monday, August 24, 2009


"Aloe" pencil sketch and watercolour - a page from my Journal - Maree©

I did this sketch of an Aloe in my garden last Friday after I had noticed that the Blackbirds were all visiting this one, and the reason was soon apparent - it was fairly dripping with nectar! The flowers always seem to produce the most nectar just as they're getting to the end of their life-span. It's their special gift to nature.

Detail of Aloe


  1. Lovely Maree, really lovely.

    Question: Where do you get all your quotes from? Love reading them.

  2. Ahhhh, what aloe will do in the right climate! A beautiful celebration of the plant's gift!

  3. Thanks Liz, the Aloes always seem to inspire me. I'm always taking photographs of them, this is the first time I actually sketched one.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Pam, and they never fail to amaze, even in the coldest of winters. And they're real life-savers for the birds when everything else is still dry and in short supply.

  6. Sorry Liz, I get quotes all over the web. I've got tons! If you Google 'art quotes' you'll come up with quite a lot. I've got quotes about art, gardening, nature, animals, birds, humorous, and, of course, inspirational.

  7. Wow Maree I didn't even know that Aloe blooms!! I just learned something new today. Your painting is wonderful...very bright. I like that :)

  8. Thanks Crista. You know, they bloom here in S.A. during our winter, and in France, they bloom in summer, when it's winter here! Their time clock won't get interrupted by anything, it seems.

  9. Love this aloe...one of my fave plants! Great colour and shape!

  10. Thanks Ronell, do you have them in your area?


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