
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Three cheers

Winter is still persisting but three cheers for rising temperatures this morning. A spring in my step and a smile on my face!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Liz, but I hear another cold front is coming on the weekend!

  2. This is fantastic Maree! I really love your style and I'm admiring the simplicity you achieved... and how very effective it is to create the serene, inviting mood of the scene. I have to learn the fine art of restraint, and not put so many lines all over the place when I draw with the pen. You have just the right amount of line to balance the color. Well done! I love this piece!

    1. Thanks ever so much Katherine! It's a new mission I'm on, using fewer lines, I also just LOVE fiddling and can carry on with that pen for hours! I almost put lots of trees in the back-ground , my hand was absolutely itching to carry on! Smile!


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