
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Season's greetings 2013

What do we love about Christmas;
Does our delight reside in things?
Or are the feelings in our hearts
The real gift that Christmas brings.
It’s seeing those we love,
And sending Christmas cards, too,
Appreciating people who bring us joy
Special people just like you.
- By Joanna Fuchs

The holiday season is upon us and here in South Africa, my 7 Little Robins will be cheerfully chirping and singing to sunny skies and braaivleis (barbeque) over the Christmas period! Our weather will be bright, hot and sunny and half the nation normally spends their Christmas on our beautiful, white beaches.

Wherever you are spending Christmas this year, I wish you and your family a happy, festive season!



  1. I really love that painting... and the way the seventh little guy is apart from the rest... that's really poignant and beautiful. Thanks for a lovely post to start the weekend!

    1. Thanks ever so much Katherine for your lovely words, pleased you like it!

  2. That is such a cheerful painting! Merry Christmas to you, soaking up the sun, from Canada where we will be shovelling the snow! :-)

    1. Thank you very much Kristie, maybe one day I'll experience a snowy Christmas!

  3. What a beautiful card! Hope yours was as warm as ours Maree

    1. Thank you Liz, lovely to hear from you! Our Christmas was wet and rainy (I'm not complaining, rain is always welcome!), an old Gauteng-trait from years ago that disappeared for a couple of decades, it used to rain every Christmas in the 70's. Wonderful to hear you had a nice Christmas!


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