
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life is still...

I am thinking of the onion again. … Not self-righteous like the proletarian potato, nor a siren like the apple. No show-off like the banana. But a modest, self-effacing vegetable, questioning, introspective, peeling itself away, or merely radiating halos like ripples. 
- Erica Jong, Fruits and Vegetables, 1971

W&N watercolours on Bockingford 300gsm
Fruit in a bowl on my kitchen table 

I really felt like painting but was stumped as to what! My muse seemed to have gone on holiday and I don't really mind, she deserves it. So I scoured the cupboards and the refrigerator for inspiration and all I could come up with was an onion, a rather bedraggled yellow pepper and two apples. Mother Hubbard’s cupboard was rather bare! The bowl belongs to a friend who brought a salad over for a braai (barbecue) we had a while back. 



  1. You always have such lovely compositions, even when you say your muse is on vacation!

    1. Ha ha! Thank you very much Haley! I think she came back under duress for a short while! I've been posting older paintings lately as she is still on holiday!

  2. Beautiful work Maree....wonderful. I'm trying to get my work into some galleries, and when I actually start making some money - equity into my Arts bank account. I would like to finally discuss with you buying some Art, becuause I've always been a fan of your amazing watercolors!

    1. Aaaah Crista, we certainly can do that! I wish you all the luck with the galleries and thank you for stopping by, appreciate that!


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