
Thursday, October 25, 2012

What will I find?

Driving up one of the gravel roads in and around our area always fills me with expectation - what will I find over the horison? Neat, green fields? A little stream? Or some antelope crossing the road? I can't remember how many times I've been blessed with some wonderful finds, a Hedgehog sprinting for the cover of grass, a Duiker quickly leading it's fawn back to the safety of the trees, a Kestrel sitting on a fence post devouring its prey.



  1. Hello Maree:) I love your painting and reading your words I'm thinking how it would be over there. I see you have a nature journal. I'm going to see it right now! Take care:)

    1. Thanks ever so much Renate! And thanks for visiting my Nature Journal, hope you enjoy it over there!

    2. Love this, especially the use of color to accentuate depth.

    3. Thanks a lot Lisa, pleased you like this one!

  2. How true this words are. I'm always looking forward to seeing what is around the corner ... a corner I've been around many times before.

    1. It's the expectation that's always so exciting Elva!

  3. I am loving your blog. Especially your insights on what makes a person grow straight and good. It reminds me of Mark Twain. Thank you.

    1. Morning Lisa, how lovely to meet you! Thank you so much for your lovely words, really pleased you like my blog. I will be popping in to 'Fire of Orion' to page through all your lovely sketches!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!