
Sunday, June 24, 2012

In life...



an open heart . crisp paper 
a breeze ... be it cool or warm 
a friend who says call if you need to talk 
white linen . weekends . joy of music . a rest 
sun on our back . a chair for the garden . wings to fly 

W&N watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm 



  1. Hello Maree:) I just took the time to walk true your blog. Very nice and interesting! I love your sketches and the way you write about things. Have a nice sunday!

    1. Aaaah, thanks ever so much for your lovely comment Renate! I added your blog to my Google Reader so that I can spend some time going through your posts, it looks lovely! Thanks for the visit and a fabulous Sunday to you too!

  2. Maree, I've been a fan and follower of yours for quite awhile now and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you do. As a fellow watercolorist, I, of course, enjoy seeing your paintings, but more than that, it's your gentle approach to life and your appreciation for the world around you that has had the most impact on me. I'm a lover of quotes, too, and have found so many good ones through your posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to share yourself with us. I hope you'll visit my Everyday Artist blog sometime when you get a chance; I think you'll find we have a lot in common. I've happily added your blog to the list of favorites on my blog.

    1. Aaaah, thank you ever so much for your lovely words Leslie! I'm so pleased you like my blog (and the quotes as well!) and I really appreciate your kind words! I popped over to your blog and it looks stunning, have added you to the blogs I follow in Google Reader, so I will be spending some time there to catch up. Loved talking to you!

  3. So lovely and amazing how you get the most lovely details into such a tiny painting. Always enjoy seeing your art.

    1. Thanks you so much Synthetic! But this is not so tiny, it's 15" x 20", just a nice size to work with!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!