
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

She is Mother Nature

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Black ink sketch and colour wash on Bockingford 300gsm


Nature has so much beauty, so much to teach us. Mother Nature has inspired the greatest poets of all time to write unbelievable prose.

Nature, Nature,
Please don't go away...
We over polluted and any day, now, any day
It might die forever
And just go away
We are transmitting from the future
2115, I think
We lost count at 2079
When the world was on the brink
Look Larry
Look Sue
Look Harry
It’s 2011 according to the machine…
Those trees are green!
The sky is blue!
The fields are beautiful
And even the people are, too!
Look everyone!
Look at the screen!
Look at when nature, nature
Was such a fragile creature
With such delicate green features
By John Murray


  1. I love the blue and green sketch, Maree! And you know, the earth heals itself over a long-long time, but we who misused her will not survive.

    I would love to be more practical. We worry when we decant our dry goods and biscuits in tins and bottles, it looks so wholesome! But the bin is over-flowing with packaging material and plastic!

  2. Thanks a lot Marie! And yes, it is very worrisome. I can see Mother Earth replenishing herself for what we use, but I don't see a remedy for all the rubbish we're producing!


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