
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Please don't kill my Gemsbuck...

Watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm

The Gemsbuck (Oryx gazella) is one of the most handsome antelope in Africa, with it long rapier-like horns and striking markings. They can form herds of up to 20 - 30 animals. Gemsbuck are grazers but will survive on browse in times of drought. When wounded they can be very dangerous animals to approach on foot. The horns of the calves grow extremely fast and when they emerge from concealment after birth their horns are very evident. This has lead to the myth that a Gemsbok is born with horns.

Females have longer, thinner horns and that's pretty much the only outward difference between males and females and as such, many hunters mistake females for males.

Please don't kill my antelope,
She hasn't bothered you.
She hasn't kicked you in the shin
Or spit inside your shoe.
She hasn't bitten off your nose
Or stomped on your rear end.
Please don't kill my antelope,
My antelope's my friend!
- Author unknown


  1. Lovely painting and The background is perfect. I find a gentleness in this image that goes well with the quoted poem!

  2. I'm really pleased you like this Marie, thank you for your lovely words. Your artist's eye amazes me and always makes me look at my work twice! Smile!


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