
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Come Walk with Me

"Are you feeling, feeling, feeling like I'm feeling
Like I'm floating, floating, up above that big blue ocean
Sand beneath our feet, big blue sky above our heads,
No need to keep stressing from our everyday life on our minds
We have got to leave all that behind."
- The Avett brothers

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

W&N watercolours on Bockingford 300gsm - 8" x 12"

I turn 65 this year and one of the images I have in my head, is me, at the age of 90, running on the beach in a long, flowing, white dress, parasol in hand, skipping and jumping with joy! and of course, living in My Dream Cottage by the Sea!

The Law of Attraction teaches us that, what you think about, you bring about, and these two thoughts are constantly on my mind, so what do YOU think the odds are...?

Have a great day everybody!



  1. Lovely image of a dream, Maree. You ask about odds. I think you are going to enjoy it so much along your journey to 90 with these happy thoughts of the seaside cottage. And whether you get it or not, you've had a happy journey getting there that will make you feel fulfilled. If you do get it, that's an added joy.

  2. You are so ABSOLUTELY right Annie! All we can do is LIVE IN THE NOW and enjoy the journey! thanks for stopping by and your lovely comment!

  3. Ah, lovely! Bring back femininity, and dresses and parasols.....Maree you can lead the field!

  4. Of course you will do it! No question :0D
    What a gorgeous painting !

  5. Thanks Marie! I'll join you there on the West Coast, running and skipping on the beach...!

  6. Oh YES Sandra! Thank you for that and pleased you like this one!

  7. I’d say your chances improve every time you think it and visualise it and what a nice thing to imagine! Painting it must give you dream strength too. Just make sure someone videos it and pops it up on YouTube so we can all enjoy your dream coming true.

  8. That's SUCH a good idea Purple! Look out for the video soon! Smile!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!