
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seeking Nature in Spring

Who are you, Nature?
I live in you;
for fifty years I have been seeking you,
and I have not found you yet.
- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Watercolour in Moleskine Folio 200gsm watercolour sketch-book 12" x 8"

Ever since I attended a watercolour class with Angela Eidelman in Magaliesburg (Gauteng, South Africa) almost a year ago, I've been experimenting with bolder and bolder colour, something she taught me, "be bold and never be scared of colour!" It certainly pays off with watercolours, especially if the work is fairly small. Here I took my cue from all the Spring colours abounding in my garden last Spring at the end of a hard, cold winter.


  1. I love this piece, Maree. The shapes, the depth, the color...... well, everything :)

    Sorry I've been absent of late. Have a new job and am trying to adjust. Ah, the learning curve :) I miss time for fun but it will return :)

  2. Was wondering where you are! I wish you luck in your new job, what are you doing? thanks for taking the time to pop in here, I really appreciate it!


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