
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coffee Daisies

"Good Art comes from good Inspiration!"
- Maree

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Coffee Daisies" - Coffee and watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm - 12" x 8"

I have discovered painting with coffee! I have used both coffee and tea in staining certain materials before, especially cotton, but never thought of using it in art until I saw some of Barbara Glatzeder's art on RedBubble.

I've painted these daisies almost totally with coffee, adding a bit of Cadmium Red to the background, leaving it to dry over-night. Then I did the flowers straight on the page with coffee the next morning (Nescafé instant, made VERY strong!), no sketching. A bit of grey/green was used for the flower stalks.

When looking at the original, the coffee, when it dries, leaves the richest, shiniest, wet-looking patina, better than any permanent staining watercolour, absolutely great! Wish they made coffee in other colours!! And as Barbara says, the artwork smells great!

I'm disappointed in the scanning of this image, as the rich patina of the coffee doesn't show at all.

You can view more Coffee Art HERE.


  1. Sue, this is GORGEOUS!!! WOW!
    Hubby (who is also an artist) said it was watercolours when I first showed him - he says VERY GOOD!!!

  2. Wow! What an unique idea! Do you think it would fade though in time? I hope not because I think this is really effective and really unusual. I imagine you could also get some interesting textural effects by dropping the dry coffee granuals on to the wet paper too :0)

  3. *Thank you* so much Dale! So pleased you like it, next on the menu is wine! lol

  4. Hi Sandra, yes, dropping the dry coffee granules on almost does a salt or splatter effect, very effective! And no, so far it hasn't faded, but it is difficult to paint over it with watercolours as it lifts the coffee immediate, the coffee is not staining like the tea is. I will be posting some more coffee experiments, some including watercolour.


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!