
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Moonlit beach

"When the storm is over and night falls and the moon is out in all its glory and all you're left with is the rhythm of the sea, of the waves, you know what God intended for the human race, you know what paradise is."
- Harold Pinter

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Acrylic on primed Acrylic un-stretched Canvas - 12" x 9" - Maree©

Today, or should I say tonight, is full moon and like many artists, I am quite fascinated by the phases of the moon. The shape varies from a full moon (when the Earth is between the sun and the moon) to a new moon (when the moon is between the sun and the Earth). When two full moons occur in a single month, the second full moon is called a "Blue Moon." Another definition of the blue moon is the third full moon that occurs in a season of the year which has four full moons (usually each season has only three full moons). A full moon appears as an entire circle in the sky. The full moon is given different names, depending on when it appears. For example, the "Harvest moon" is the full moon that appears nearest to the Autumnal Equinox, occurring in late September or early October.

This is one of my few forays into Acrylics and I really enjoyed working on this one.


  1. Lovely, colourful painting Maree. I love that hazy, atmospheric sky :0)

  2. Nice to see you again Sandra! So pleased you like the painting! Hugs

  3. I love the more intense colour in your last few paintings. The moon is sometimes my friend but can truly keep us awake! We had a lovely show out North a few weeks ago when the moon joined 4 planets. Venus, Mercury, Mars and Saturn are all grouping together this month.

  4. Thank you Marie. A full moon is like the song of the frogs at my pond - puts me straight to sleep! didn't know that about the planets...

  5. Love this, Maree! You've capture the haze covered moon beautifully.

    I found this info too in my research yesterday : Since the Moon arrives at apogee about 12 hours later, this will also be the smallest full moon of 2010. In terms of apparent size, it will appear 12.3-percent smaller than the full Moon of Jan. 30. I wonder if that's worldwide? This is the site:

  6. Interesting information PJ! Will go have a look at the link. Thanks for the lovely comment!


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