
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Magnificent Nature

I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?
- James Thomson

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Magnificent Nature - Watercolour in Moleskine Watercolour Sketch-book - 8" x 5" - Maree©

Trees and mountains - the best nature has to offer! And *such* a pleasure to try and capture the beauty on paper! Denise Levertov said, "You can live for years next door to a big pine tree, honoured to have so venerable a neighbour, even when it sheds needles all over your flowers or wakes you, dropping big cones onto your deck at still of night!" How true! I cannot imagine a garden with no leaves - not only do they supply the earth with natural compost, but the Thrushes think it's heaven scratching through them, finding the most wonderful little tit-bits! My gardener has a very easy job, no raking is allowed in the garden!


  1. I love the atmosphere of this piece. The mountain air especially!

  2. Thank you PJ! I can also smell it!!

  3. So absolutely true! Beautiful rich colours Maree, so reminiscent of the Magaliesberg.

  4. I trust my eye (especially after the success of your "glitzy artist" painting) and this is a winner Maree. The deep and interesting shadows under the central trees are very effective!

  5. Thank you Liz! I think my painting is probably dominated by those magnificent mountains surrounding us here!

  6. Ah, thank you Marie! But Glitzy was INSPIRED by a certain challenge that never came to fruition! (lol) Thank you for your lovely comment!


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