
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cottage by the sea...

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Cottage by the Sea" - watercolour on Visual 200gsm - 12" x 9" - Maree©

"Happiness is a summer breeze, sand between your toes, and your best friend by your side."

My dream of a cottage by the sea… There are songs written about it, there are books written about it and poems written about it – the sea. How many of us have the dream of owning a cottage by the sea? I mean a cottage standing all alone, surrounded by nothing but the wild sea, the dunes, mist and the gulls, miles from the nearest civilization. A place of peace and tranquility, quiet walks on the beach with not a soul in sight, collecting shells and drift-wood, sitting on a rock watching the ships go by…

Don’t we all have a dream like that?

This is an imaginary scene on the West Coast of South Africa.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. ...I certainly have a dream like that and escape there often in my mind when times are stressful. Beautiful painting of the cottage by the sea...

  2. Thank you Kelly! Invite me next time you go!

  3. Your lovely watercolour is just about where my dream would take me if it could come true - except I'd choose the East coast where the sea is warmer!

  4. Thank you Cathy! Yea, East Coast weather and water definitely better! But I don't actually care, it could be ANYWHERE!

  5. A total dream to have a cottage like this and for me it must be on the West Coast, cold water or not!

  6. I agree Liz! Who goes in the water anyway?!


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