
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

10-Minute quickie

10-Minute small quickie hot off the brush just to brighten my page - I've been so SLACK today! Besides the fact that I've been unable to get into Blogger, I haven't achieved much except to print out some of my flower sketches as greeting cards. And NOTHING feels right if I haven't done at least ONE sketch for the day!

(I meant to post this yesterday, but Blogger was off-line, so here it is today.)

Watercolour (no sketching) on Ashrad Not - 8.5" x 6"


  1. Fast and furious or not, you OWN the Northwest landscapes!All the best with the cards, too, Maree!

  2. Oh thank you Marie! You're such a "Darling"!

  3. I have been away so I haven't been online for a while. I've just checked out what you have been up to and you have clearly been a busy painter! I have to say, Lovers Rock and The Township are my favourites!

  4. Hi Sandra, thanks for popping in again! Didn't you go to one of Jean's courses? I'm sure you enjoyed that! And thanks for liking those two sketches!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!