
Friday, May 21, 2010

Crocodile River in Broederstroom

"Sit by a river. Find peace and meaning in the rhythm of the lifeblood of the Earth."
— (Anonymous)

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Broederstroom - Crocodile River - watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm 11" x 7" - Maree©

Another view of the Crocodile River, as it meanders on its way to Hartebeespoort Dam in the North-West Province of South Africa.


  1. This is great Maree. I love your sky in particular!

  2. Thank you Sandra! Great to see you here again!

  3. You've caught those wonderful rich colours so perfectly Maree.

  4. Thank you Liz, just love hearing from you!

  5. Love the colors and shapes in your hills! Sorry, I've been overloaded lately - moving to another house - what fun packing and trying to do commissions jobs are :) Oh to master timing!

  6. I missed you and thanks for popping in - both are fun - packing/moving and commissions! but don't over-do it - get the necessary done and soon time will be normal again! xx


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