
Monday, April 5, 2010

Watercolour Workshop 3 - Another Wet-on-wet

“I've learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.”
- Unknown

Art Class wet-on-wet 31/03/2010 15" x 11"

For the third workshop I attended with Angela Eidelman last week Wednesday, we had to stretch and prepare our paper at home beforehand and this week's practice was wet-in-wet again. We had to draw the outlines of the scene we were going to paint, from pictures Angela supplied, with Cerulean blue and then, paint it wet-on-wet, keeping in mind our composition, light source, focal point, etc., with Angela constantly peeping over our shoulders, giving encouragement and advice. Thoroughly enjoyed this exercise! This is the painting I completed during the workshop.


  1. Ooooooo Maree!!!!!!!!! I love this! Your colors and shapes are outstanding.

    Also! Love your new look :) Great banner!

  2. Thank you Pam! I took a cue from Sketching in Nature with their new look!

  3. The thing that strikes me the most about your paintings is your use of colour. Really beautiful!

  4. Thank you very much Sandra! At the moment I'm experimenting with bolder colours than I'm used to doing!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!