
Friday, April 23, 2010

The 4 Seasons - Spring

Awake, thou wintry earth -

Fling off thy sadness!

Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth

Your ancient gladness!

~Thomas Blackburn

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

Spring in Tarlton - watercolour on Ashrad hot pressed paper- 8" x 6" - Maree©

This outcrop of age-old Pelindaba rock is about 3 kilometers from us in a shallow little ravine that we used to often pass by on our outrides with our horses. Last weekend we took the little track as a short-cut to visit some friends in Hillside and I was reminded of the weird formations of these rocks that are like the tip of the iceberg - 99% of it is under-ground.

The presence of these spongy rocks indicates a high level of under-ground water in the area and is extensively found in Tarlton. These rocks also attract lightning and Tarlton is well renowned for the heavy electric storms it suffers.

This is one of a series "The 4 Seasons" - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.


  1. Your rocks are stunning Maree.... and the light and variations of colour show beautifully. A pinch of salt added to wet paint on your rocks would make an interesting textural alternative....
    I enjoyed your narrative on this great rock!

  2. Thanks Debs! I keep on forgetting about salt and bubble wrap and.... I'll remember the salt for next time, do feel like playing a bit!

  3. Yes, I love using salt; in fact there are all sorts of experiments I am dying to try! I also love your explanations that go with the paintings too. I really like this one Maree. How long do these paintings take you to do? You seem to do so many, so quickly!

  4. Thank you Sandra! I don't often experiment with all sorts of tricks, but do like using the salt. I do do a lot of paintings most days - anything from 3-minute sketches to 20 mins. Can't remember when last I spent more than half-an-hour on a painting!


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