
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Low tide

It's hard for me to put into words why I like the beach so much. Everything about it is renewing for me, almost like therapy...Beach Therapy”
--Amy Dykens

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"The beach - Low tide" - watercolour in Moleskine watercolour sketch-book
8" x 5.5" - Maree©

In Wikipedia the tides are explained as follows:
  • Sea level rises over several hours, covering the intertidal zone; flood tide.
  • The water rises to its highest level, reaching high tide.
  • Sea level falls over several hours, revealing the intertidal zone; ebb tide.
  • The water stops falling, reaching low tide.
To me this is very similar to the feelings we experience throughout our lifetime - we all have our ups and downs. So when you're feeling down, just remember - after every low tide comes a high tide.


  1. I just love looking at paintings that take me to a place I'd like to be. Like you, I have a love for the sea. These colourful sketches are a joy to look at!

  2. Thank you Sandra and thanks for visiting my blog! Your sketches are beautiful, especially the one of your daughter - well done!


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!