
Friday, January 8, 2010

River landscape

“What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else.”
- Hal Boyle

River landscape - watercolour - 12" x 8.5" - Maree©

A great story about the Zambezi River - The river god, Nyaminyami, is two snakes, one male and one female. When the bridge was built across the Zambezi at Victoria Falls, the two snakes were separated. But the male snake still longs for his mate. Every now and then, he lunges out towards her - and that's why there are earthquakes.


  1. Hi Maree, have heard the story of the Zambezi before - nice reminder! Great little sketch.

  2. I was on the Zambezi for my 50th birthday - somebody has painted Nyamiyami on one of the rocks above the rapids - fairly recently I think - and we were given little wooden pendants of it, but I didn't hear the whole story, so thanks Maree!

  3. Welcome to my blog Jacob and thank you for your kind comment!

  4. Hi Cathy, it must have been a great trip! Would love to see the painting of Nyamiyami - did you take any photos? Or maybe post a pic of the pendant... The last time I visited Kariba was in the 1960's!


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