
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Moleskine - Snail

“The year's at the spring / And day's at the morn; / Morning's at seven; / The hillside's dew-pearled; / The lark's on the wing; / The snail's on the thorn; / God's in his heaven - / All's right with the world!”
- Robert Browning

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Snail" pencil sketch and watercolour in Moleskine Watercolour sketch-book - Maree©

Oh my! I found some snails in my garden! They're all over the Agapanthus. One consolation is that there is now plenty to eat for the Thrushes and any passing hedgehogs.

The snails are related to the oyster, the clam, the mussel, the squid and the octopus. All of these animals are called molluscs. More than 30,000 kinds of snails have been described, of which about two-thirds still exist -- about half of them in salt water and the other half in fresh water or on land. The remainder are known only as fossils and, in the limestone quarries around Chicago, we find several kinds-- some as big as your fist-- which have lain buried there since this region was on the floor of the ocean, 150 million years ago.

There are even Graffiti snails roaming London!

Shell shock: One snail has shell graffiti

Most people have to shell out to give their homes a makeover – not so for these multi-coloured molluscs.

The flashy snails have had their drab shells given a paint job for nothing – and they didn't even have to move a muscle.

A London artist, known only as Slinkachu, has used the molluscs' shells for a series of designs dubbed 'Inner City Snail – a slow-moving street art project'.



  1. Dear Maree, I have caught you in the act! A moment ago the snail was not there. O, look at those painted snails! Ha-ha-ha, I would also sit still to be (literally and figuratively)painted if I was a snail, it is much nicer than being eaten! I love your sketches! You seem to be forever out there in the fresh air, surrounded by pets, wildlife and all sorts of critters, sketchbook in hand! Thank you for being the first to comment on my blogs, I always open my blog and say: Ah, Maree was here!

  2. Oh well, if you want them eaten to the last one, let your ducks into the garden. They will not skip a single morsel!

  3. Hi, and thank you Marie. That often happens - I've scarcely posted, then the e-mail comes through that there's a comment! That's SO great...The problem with the painted snail is that he's now TOTALLY visible to all the Thrushes! and yes, my camera or sketch-book is always at the ready when I venture outside - I really need to know who's who in the garden!

    I follow your blog on Google Reader, which I check a couple of times a day and I always scroll down first to see if you've posted - you know I love your paintings and also reading about the area - your chronicles of the West Coast is a unique and lovely idea. I think I must start chronicling the Magaliesburg area...

  4. Thank you Tracy and I wish you luck with your new blog.


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