
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Journal entry - Duckling

Death--- the last sleep? No the final awakening.
- Walter Scott

A daily practice of sketching and painting gives you a chance to exercise the big three P's - practice, practice, practice!

"Carolina Duckling" pencil sketch in Daily Nature Journal - Maree©

This little Carolina duckling (Wood Duck) was very weak when it hatched and it also had a cripple leg. Despite all my efforts, it didn't survive and died 3 days later. This is from a sketch I did in an old Nature Journal.


  1. ...ahh...poor little fellow. Glad you took care of him, though. He was probably happy for that. A beautiful, sensitive sketch.

  2. Thank you Kelly! The Carolinas are very delicate when they're small and take a lot of care, but in the end it is worth the while.


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