
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Re-visiting an old haunt

Yesterday I actually made the effort of packing my portfolio bag and art supplies and setting off to the dam just 2km down the road from us. Another perspective of the Tarlton Dam, which I first painted back in the 80's.

"Tarlton Dam '09" watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm watercolour paper - Maree©

Winter is in full swing and the only greenery is the Blue gum trees and Wattles, which are deciduous and only drop a lot of bark and seeds. Everything else is bone dry and the veld fires (wildfires) have taken their toll everywhere, leaving the landscape lifeless, except for the Egrets scavenging on dead insects and little mammals that couldn't manage to escape the roaring fires.



  1. you have a photo or link to the first painting? It would be interesting to see it too. Beautiful painting. I like the freedom of it.

  2. Hi Kelly, here's the link to the first painting : - this blog is more about my plein air excursions. And glad you like the painting.

  3. ...thanks...I'll head on over!

  4. ...the painting is beautiful. I loved your story about swimming with the horses as well. I can only imagine!! I'd say a charmed existence...


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