
Friday, August 28, 2009


"I'm not as good as some, but better than most."
- Maree

My daily sketch for today...

"Unexplored Landscape" watercolour on Bockingford - Maree©

Life can sometimes be like a landscape. There are vast, unexplored vistas within us that will remain unseen unless we make the effort to explore our inner self and find something that we've never noticed before. Sometimes we might not like what we see, but there could also be something great and exciting, something to be cherished and, like a great landscape, inspire us.


  1. Thanks Trish and gee, I'd barely posted it when notification of your comment came through! Did you manage to catch the entry I did shortly afterwards? Nice to see you here and your blog is lovely and colourful.

  2. Oh my Maree, this is such a wonderful post. Wonderful painting to go with wonderful words.

    Also your Chinese painting is great! I have a whole set of brushes, still untouched by water! You're so right, it is hard!

  3. Thanks Liz. Did you actually buy special Chinese painting brushes? Let us know when you give it a try.


Your comments are welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog!