
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Birds from Your Garden

Painting birds from your garden can be extremely rewarding. Not only does watching and photographing them provide hours of pleasure, but it gives us a little insight into their habits and daily living survival techniques.

The Fiscal Shrike below is a resident of my garden and she takes her job of keeping other Shrikes at bay very seriously. She knows when I bring mince and suet to the bird feeder, and immediately starts clearing the area, making sure the Robin doesn't get too close either.

"Fiscal Shrike" water colour - Maree©

I had the pleasure of rearing this Grey Lourie from a baby after she'd been rescued from some dogs in a neighbour's garden. She turned out to be a most loving and intelligent pet and we spent many happy hours together.

Grey Lourie and Fiscal Shrike water colour framed  - Maree©

She fell in love with my male Cockatiel and for weeks the two were inseparable until, one evening, she never returned home to roost on the top of her cage, as usual.

The next morning the reason was clearly apparent - she spent the whole day in the garden with a male that must have heard her calls. I put her food on a special bird table and they stayed for a couple of days and then, one morning, they were gone, never to be seen again.



  1. I really loved your story and I really enjoy looking at your wonderful paintings! Truely a treat.


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